1st Jan 2023

i happen to like the sensation of skin on skin 

touching and being touched 

togetherness of two individuals

separate but touching

separate, but becoming one when touched 

becoming something new

an inbetween, neither one nor the other 

a touch, not the things touching

hidden surfaces, but neither inside nor outside

the moment of touching is the communication

to realise that there is another 

same but different

in my projection but autonomous 

and when i project my touch onto you 

we become something together 

i can’t quite feel you and you can’t quite feel me

but what we’re feeling is no longer you and me

we feel the becoming

becoming of the inbetweenness

that is always happening 

a happening, never about to happen

nor already happened


11 April 2023 at 12:59 pm


18 Nov 2022 at 8:42 pm