31 August 2022

hair & mortality 

it is the ones alive who experience death but they are still alive, you can’t experience living and death at the same time it contradicts itself so is it death we want to know? or is it what the opposite of existence is?

we desire experiencing being dead, but dead for us is nothingness and we are not being

the contradiction is in the words and terminology? 

we want to know about it so bad bc inherently we believe in souls

if one truely believes in physicalism then they shouldn’t fear death or be intrigued by it at all

I think it’s really uncanny in the way that there will be traces of you left in the world after you die but you wouldn’t know because in a physicalism standpoint if you die you die you’re nothing

or maybe is the fact that we don’t know if we will know or not that’s uncanny

when you die you don’t just disappear from the physical world you will still be here but for you you’re nothingness

sometimes you find that after thinking so much about something you’re back to point zero and that is the most depressing thing I can think off


24 August 2022


17 September 2022