4 August 2023 at 4:24pm
Sometimes i feel my heart quiver thinking about conscience and the good human beings tend to lean towards and are capable of, what would I do out of conscience when there is no reason left? It’s sad really, sometimes all we plan to do, all we try to achieve comes to nothing, and we’d be forced to choose what feels right, and it feels like doing something no longer for myself, perhaps we never do anything for ourselves, maybe that is intersubjectivity, maybe we are never individualistic animals, maybe we are not capable of it. Do we only act a certain way because we want others to act upon us the same way, or are we not capable of acting any other way? For some perhaps, some are capable of not feeling for anything outside of one’s own consciousness, but I don’t think most are, I think most act out of love and conscience, or that I hope, to act a certain way even when we know others might not reciprocate.